Смотреть гарри поттера на английском языке. Смотреть гарри поттера на английском языке Фильм Гарри Поттер и Философский камень

Фильм в великолепном качестве - широкоэкранный, замечательный перевод, наличие красочного анимированного меню, возможность просмотреть на любом бытовом и компьютерном проигрывателе, объемный многоканальный звук.
И конечно, для изучающих английский язык особый подарок - наличие английской звуковой дорожки, отключаемых русских, английских субтитров.

Вместе с фильмом Вы можете скачать специальный коллекционный диск с разнообразными дополнительными материалами. На нем Вы найдете игры, квесты, задания по мотивам фильма, базу знаний, большое количество видео эпизодов, не вошедших в фильм, интервью актеров и многое другое..
Остается добавить, что диск с дополнительными материалами мультиязычный. Вы можете окунуться в мир Гарри Поттера на русском, английском, турецком, польском языках.

Являясь почитателем книг Джоан Роулинг, мне всегда было сложно объективно оценивать фильмы о Гарри Потере. Ведь, как бы мне не нравилось то, как были сняты те или иные моменты в пяти на данный момент экранизациях, я всегда с удовольствием их пересматриваю, потому что только они могут предоставить возможность лицезреть созданный Роулинг волшебный мир не только в своих мыслях, ограничивающих в определенных рамках фантазию, но и на экране телевизора или мониторе компьютера.
Но «Узник Азкабана» - это не просто очередной фильм о мальчике-волшебнике, который выжил. Это совершенно непохожая на другие картины серии сказка, удовольствие от просмотра которой в равной степени могут получить как взрослые, так и их дети, для которых этот фильм в первую очередь и создавался.
У Альфонсо Куарона свой неповторимый подход к работе, он не гонится за копированием устоявшихся в кино шаблонов, чтобы тем самым сделать фильм популярным, но из-за этого начисто лишенным какой-либо душевности и оригинальности. Он отдал всего себя во имя «Узника Азкабана», и, возможно, именно поэтому многие люди называют этот фильм лучшим среди остальных про приключения Гарри Поттера и его друзей, ведь всегда приятно наблюдать за работой человека, который вкладывает в нее всю свою душу, делая ее невероятно живой, волнительной и незабываемой.
Экранизация книг всегда будет оставаться делом неблагодарным, потому что обязательно найдутся люди, недовольные тем, как ты представил экранизацию их любимой книги. Но то, как удачно получилось сократить объем третьей книги поттерианы и представить ее на экране так, что не чувствуется где бы то ни было сюжетных нестыковок и провисания, могут начать критиковать только особо рьяные фанаты книг британской писательницы.
Отдельного внимания заслуживает актерский состав. На мой взгляд, Дэниел Редклифф, Руперт Гринт и Эмма Уотсон выложились в «Узнике Азкабана» на все 120 процентов, не без помощи Куарона разумеется, давшего молодым актерам свободу и позволив тем самым им как никогда раскрепоститься перед камерой, что сделало их игру более правдивой и интересной. Ни в последующем «Кубке Огня», ни в последнем на данный момент «Ордене Феникса», к сожалению и огорчению, этого уже не наблюдалось… В актерах старой закалки сомневаться даже не приходится - Алан Рикман, Мэгги Смит и многие другие даже за пару минут экранного времени способны превратить самую темную ночь в светлый день. Приятно было посмотреть также на Дэвида Тьюлиса и, в особенности, Гэри Олдмана - представленные ими Ремус Люпин и Сириус Блэк соответственно мало кого смогут оставить равнодушными.
Про спецэффекты много говорить не буду, потому что уже стал традицией отличный визуальный ряд у всех крупно бюджетных фильмов последних лет. Но грех не отметить отдельно гиппогрифа Клювокрыла. Одно из самых красивых созданий, когда-либо рожденных с помощью компьютерной графики. Что же до музыкального сопровождения, то, думаю, одно только упоминание имени Джона Уильямса способно послужить стимулом для просмотра данного фильма. Созданные им композиции как всегда великолепны.
А в конце хочется просто сказать большое спасибо Альфонсо Куарону и его «Узнику Азкабана», без которого я никогда бы не притронулся к книгам, в заголовке которых фигурирует имя Гарри Поттера. Если кино способно сотворить такое с человеком, то «Гарри Поттер и Узник Азкабана» можно смело считать если и не шедевром кинематографа, то уж точно одним из лучших фильмов последних нескольких лет.

Все фильмы о Гарри Поттере на нашем сайте:



(Перевод Copyright М. Спивак)

By J.K. Rowling



Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways. For one thing, he hated the summer holidays more than any other time of year. For another, he really wanted to do his homework but was forced to do it in secret, in the dead of night. And he also happened to be a wizard.

По всем статьям, Гарри Поттер был весьма необычным ребёнком. Взять хотя бы то, что он ненавидел летние каникулы. Или то, что он искренне стремился выполнить каникулярные домашние задания, но был вынужден заниматься этим тайно, под покровом ночи. А ещё он был колдун.

It was nearly midnight, and he was lying on his stomach in bed, the blankets drawn right over his head like a tent, a flashlight in one hand and a large leather-bound book (A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot) propped open against the pillow. Harry moved the tip of his eagle-feather quill down the page, frowning as he looked for something that would help him write his essay, ‘Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless — discuss.’

Уже почти наступила полночь, а Гарри, как тентом укрывшись с головой одеялом и держа в руке карманный фонарик, лежал на животе на кровати. Перед ним, подпёртая подушкой, стояла раскрытая книга в кожаной обложке (“История магии” Батильды Жукпук). Гарри водил кончиком орлиного пера над страницей и, насупив брови, пытался выискать в книге что-нибудь, что помогло бы закончить сочинение на тему “Бессмысленность сожжения ведьм в четырнадцатом столетии - обсуждение”.

The quill paused at the top of a likely looking paragraph. Harry pushed his round glasses up the bridge of his nose, moved his flashlight closer to the book, and read:

Перо зависло над подходящим параграфом. Гарри поправил на носу круглые очки, поднёс фонарик поближе к книге и прочитал:

Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles) were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame-Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises.

Не владеющие магией люди (более известные как муглы) в средние века особенно сильно боялись колдовства, однако не обладали даром распознавать оное.

Какое место в вашей жизни занимает...волшебство? Никакое? Да ладно! Но мы же все хотели обладать магией, когда были детьми, не правда ли? А некоторые и до сих пор не против! Существует волшебство или нет — остается тайной, но верить никто не запрещает.

Мы предлагаем окунуться в мир магии и волшебных палочек с нами и Гарри Поттером, а заодно и усовершенствовать свой английский еще больше. Let"s do this! Whoop-de-doo!

Список фильмов:

Кто такой Гарри Поттер?

Итак, серия фильмов о Гарри Поттере, основана на романах английской писательницы Д. К. Роулинг., и выпущена компанией Warner Bros. На данный момент состоит аж из 8 фильмов в жанре фэнтези, начиная с Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (2001) и заканчивая Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 2 (2011).

Но это далеко не предел. Т.к. франшиза занимает 1 место в списке самых прибыльных серий фильмов с 7,7 млрд $ мировой прибыли! А все фильмы находятся в списке 50 самых кассовых фильмов в мире за всю историю кинематографа. Так что кино еще будет сниматься и окупаться как по маслу. Только бы Эмма Уотсон не старела.

Над серией успели поработать уже 4 режиссера: Крис Коламбус, Альфонсо Куарон, Майкл Ньюэлл и Дэвид Йейтс. 31 июля 2016 года состоялся релиз книги «Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя», включающей в себя одноименную пьесу, ставшую основой для спектакля. Действие развивается спустя 19 лет после событий, о которых было рассказано в седьмой книге «Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти». Написали «Проклятое дитя» Джек Торн и Джон Тиффани при участии Джоан Роулинг.

О своем герое Роулинг говорит так: «В пьесе он проходит очень большой путь, и, думаю, на этом мы с ним и расстанемся. Это следующее поколение, и мне приятно видеть, как красиво оно показано. Но с Гарри — всё». Такие дела.

Премьера спектакля «Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя» состоялась в лондонском Palace Theatre 30 июля 2016-го. Критики приняли пьесу положительно. Продюсер фильмов о Гарри Поттере Дэвид Хейман сообщил, что о переносе «Проклятого дитя» на большой экран речи пока нет. Таким образом, чем богаты, тем и рады. Предлагаем вашему вниманию сборку всех фильмов о Гарри на английском языке с субтитрами. Enjoy!

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Философский камень

Обычный лондонский парень Гарри до 11-и лет жил себе спокойно в приёмной семье. А потом пока узнал одну вещицу — как оказалось, его родители были волшебниками и их сила перешла к нему по наследству. Сюрприз! Это открытие в корне перевернуло всю жизнь пацана. Ведь теперь он должен отправится в специальную школу для магов — Хогвартс. Где паренёк поймет, что мир, который он знал до этого, ничтожен и не интересен.

В школе его ожидают встречи с волшебниками, а его одноклассниками будут такие же как и он дети-колдуны. Гарри научится играть в очень опасную и увлекательную игру под названием «квиддич», а еще поиграет партию в шахматы живыми фигурами. Но его ждёт и опасность — Темный Волшебник хочет уничтожить Поттера до того момента пока он наберётся знаний и овладеет магией сполна.

Этот фильм, кстати, был номинирована на 3 премии Оскар в 2002 году.

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната

В этой части Гарри Поттер переходит на второй курс Школы чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс. Эльф Добби предупреждает его об опасности, поджидающей его там и просит больше не возвращаться в школу.

Но юный чародей не следует совету эльфа и становится свидетелем таинственных событий, разворачивающихся в Хогвартсе. Вскоре Гарри и его друзья узнают о существовании Тайной Комнаты и сталкиваются с новыми приключениями, пытаясь победить силы тьмы.

Фильм Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана

В третьей части истории о юном волшебнике полюбившиеся всем герои возвращаются уже на третий курс школы чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс. На этот раз они должны раскрыть тайну узника, сбежавшего из зловещей тюрьмы Азкабан, чье пребывание на воле создает для Гарри смертельную опасность…

  • В этом фильме Дадли (двоюродный брат Гарри) не произносит ни слова.
  • В этой части шанс возглавить съемочный процесс был предоставлен режиссеру Гильермо дель Торо, однако последний предпочел работу над «Хеллбоем», а команда разработчиков спецэффектов потратила 6 месяцев на создание жутких дементоров.

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня

Гарри Поттер, Рон и Гермиона возвращаются на четвертый курс школы чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс. При крайне таинственных обстоятельствах Гарри отобран в число участников опасного соревнования — Турнира Трех Волшебников, однако проблема в том, что все его соперники — намного старше и сильнее:(К тому же, знаки указывают на возвращение Лорда Волдеморта! Вскоре Гарри предстоит побороться не только за победу в соревновании, но и за свою жизнь…

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса

Гарри проводит свой пятый год обучения в школе Хогвартс и обнаруживает, что многие из членов волшебного сообщества отрицают сам факт недавнего состязания юного волшебника с воплощением вселенского зла Волдемортом, делая вид, что не имеют ни малейшего представления о том, что злодей вернулся.

Одобренный министерством курс лекций по защитной магии профессора Долорес Амбридж оказывается на практике абсолютно бесполезным — юные волшебники просто неспособны противостоять действию темных сил, угрожающих им и всему волшебному сообществу. И тогда, по настоянию своих друзей, Гермионы и Рона, Гарри берет инициативу в свои руки. Тайно встречаясь с небольшой группой студентов, называющей себя Отрядом Дамблдора, Гарри обучает их самозащите от темных сил, готовя отважных волшебников к необычной схватке, которая ждет их впереди.

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка

Теперь не только мир волшебников, но и мир маглов ощущает на себе все возрастающую силу Волан-де-Морта, а Хогвартс уже никак не назовешь надежным убежищем. Гарри подозревает, что в самом замке затаилась опасность, но Дамблдор больше сосредоточен на том, чтобы подготовить его к финальной схватке, которая, уже не за горами. Вместе они пытаются разгадать секрет бессмертия Волан-де-Морта.

Тем временем учеников атакуют самые разные враги, а подростковые эмоции хлещут через край. Гарри начинает понимать, что становится все более неравнодушным к Джинни, однако, и Дин Томас тоже. Пока романтические отношения расцветают, лишь один ученик остается в стороне. Он твердо намерен оставить свою метку, темную метку. Любовь витает в воздухе, но впереди ждет беда, и Хогвартс, возможно, уже никогда не будет прежним.

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть I

Гарри Поттера ждёт самое страшное испытание в жизни — смертельная схватка с Волан-де-Мортом. Друзья и враги Гарри предстают в совершенно неожиданном свете. Граница между Добром и Злом становится всё призрачнее…

А вы знали, что горельеф скульптуры в холле министерства магии — это переработанная работа Ивана Шадра «Борьба с землей»? На вершине монумента находится не что иное, как слегка подправленная копия «Рабочего и колхозницы». Стюарт Крэйг признался, что скульптура Веры Мухиной произвела на него неизгладимое впечатление.

Фильм Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть II

В грандиозной последней главе битва между добрыми и злыми силами мира волшебников перерастает во всеобщую войну. Ставки ещё никогда не были так высоки, а поиск убежища — столь сложен. И быть может именно Гарри Поттеру придется пожертвовать всем в финальном сражении с Волан-де-Мортом. Способен ли наш герой спасти мир? We can’t tell you! Ясно одно: всё закончится здесь.

Мне мало, хочу еще!

Хотите больше видео по вселенной Гарри Потера? Узнайте крылатые фразы из Ордена Феникса, поймите как волшебник Мерлин связан с Хогвартсом и разберитесь с рэп-алфавитом Дэниела Рэдклиффа! В общем, смотритеус и наслаждайтеус!


Надеемся, что эта статья была для вас полезной и развлекла вас. Если Гарри вам мало, то всегда на помощь придет наш видеопрактикум . Там вы сможете найти видео для души! А если по какой-то причине вы всё ещё не можете смотреть фильмы без русского перевода, то самое время это исправить!

Начните изучать английский в нашей школе и наслаждайтесь оригинальной озвучкой любого фильма!

Хорошего настроения и доброй магии в вашу жизнь!

Большая и дружная семья EnglishDom

Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts for a third adventure and magic filled year in this follow-up to the first two Potter blockbusters. Harry comes face to face with danger yet again, this time in the form of escaped convict Sirius Black. In a bid for help, Harry turns to sympathetic Professor Lupin -- but will it be enough?

Harry and Hermione go back to Hogwarts to get secret and a next voyage stuffed year within this follow-up to the first two blockbusters. Harry comes face-to-face with threat yet again, this time around within runaway convict Black’s form. To sympathetic Teacher Lupin, Harry spins in a bet for support — but could it be enough?

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My spouse was thrilled when Warner Bros. unveiled this supreme release arranged a year ago. Normally I ordered her them as she’s a massive Harry Potter fan, and that I take pleasure in the videos too. Whenever we obtained the first 2 Ultimate Release videos we were hit away by the packaging and also the quantity of added information included. For the very first time in quite a while we felt like we were truly getting our money’s value and impatiently anticipated another two shows. Well the day the movies became designed for pre sale our purchase was smacked on by me in and we awaited the launch. A year ago now a couple weeks before I did so only a little browsing online and realized that neither of both Supreme edition movies releasing this year included lengthy editions of the film, which was among the main reasons we obtained the collection. We’ve owned both the HD DVD years 1-5 exclusive boxset, and then improved towards the Blu-Ray model(nevertheless own these). After discussing it with my partner, she decided she nevertheless desired the Greatest Editionis in 2013 (3 and 4) therefore I held our pre-order. Well today the products were received by us and I have to argument a little bit, before I enter other things.

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Gone could be the magnetic breeze that clasped the case shut in 2 and years 1.
I loved this kind of video in comparison with the series all together, why I am composing this review but this isn’t.

The benefit material is concerned by this assessment for people who preorder the dvd here on amazon. The screensaver isn’t an animated screensaver of the place that is marauders while you might assume, if it’d been completed while in the type of the place inside the flick that actually might have been quite good. You will be told to get a separate request that will take-over your windows screensaver efficiency. The application is not hardly unintuitive touse . The Marauders Screensaver alone is nothing more then 3 arbitrary photographs of indistinct parts of the in-flick Azkaban’s Captive and also Marauderis Chart with large Harry Potter images that decorated everywhere. Its not to creatively desirable being the pictures and also a screensaver in belief are not well performed.

Only want to ensure that other people are conscious of just what this advantage material is, and so arenot buying the dvd here simply due to this. There’s no marauders map design animation and all that will be displayed are stationary pictures. I pre-obtained it here on obtaining this advantage content, purely based, and I was using what i obtained, somewhat disapointed.
The Harry Potter films’ 3rd installation was ready for a manager that is new, and Alfonso Cuaron seemed a decision that is probable. Joe Columbus was remarkable in his fidelity towards the piece of the primary two books, but as Harry becomes an adolescent and looks a more complicated lifestyle, Columbusis candy – sprayed model is not no longer inappropriate. Therefore it was with wonderful expectation that I looked forward towards the design that is richer that Cuaron promised.
In certain areas I had been not disappointed. Cuaron’s model of the planet of Harry is defined by shadows and shaded in greys and misty vegetables, instead of red-and- tapestry of films one and two. This new palette is more normal, and in keeping with that, far more of the flick happens outside. Cuaron allows a greater feeling of-age as well to Hogwarts, building rickety bridge and a crumbling courtyard to a lot of views over a gorge fundamental. These destinations, along with the big pendulum while in the accessibility hall and clockface that Harry rests inside at one point, really are a nicely simple strategy to incorporate within the film’s (and bookis) concept of time and the way the past cannot ever be entirely undone.
Cuaron manages some views very well, specially short, telling expressions or times offering personality meaning, like the touch where Hermione grabs Ronis hand which made it in to the truck, and another where both of these have an uncomfortable dialogue outside the Shrieking Shack. Additional shows include Harry and his dorm-partners up delayed eating candy that produces them impersonate pets (touchingly shows how quite adolescent they’re); plus a moment when Sirius, seeking desperately to put up Lupin back from his change to werewolf, spots his hand-over Lupin’s chest and says you reside within this heart!

Здесь вы можете найти сценарий к фильму: Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана/ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabana.

Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана/ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabana


The street slumbers, adrift in shadow. Then... a curious BEAM OF LIGHT BOBS beyond the second-story window of Number Four.


A tent of blankets. Within... the SHADOW of a BOY. A

Lumos Maxima... The tent BLOOMS SOFTLY with light -- briefly illuminating a bedside PHOTOGRAPH (of James & Lily Potter) -- then goes dark.

Lumos Maxima... The blankets bloom once again when, down the hall, a TOILET FLUSHES. Instantly, the SHADOW stiffens, the blankets DIM, and the tent flattens. Just as... ... the bedroom door OPENS, revealing... UNCLE VERNON. He peers inside, eyes flashing suspiciously, then... withdraws. The tent rises.

Lumos Maxima... As the blankets blaze, we CUT INSIDE, find a SKINNY BOY with a crow"s nest of black hair, thick glasses sitting crookedly atop his nose: HARRY POTTER. Open before him is Violeta Stitch"s Extreme Incantations. Once again, he speaks:

Lumos... MAXIMA!


A BLINDING BLAST OF LIGHT FLASHES from the second story window of Number Four. DOGS BARK. And a TITLE CARD appears:

and the Prisoner of Azkaban


The light in the hallway SNAPS on, Harry"s tent droops once more and, seconds later, Harry"s door eases open. Uncle Vernon peers in and switches on the light. The room is utterly SILENT. Slowly, he closes the door.




Harry! Harry! Harry bounds down the stairs and into the front hall, where his AUNT PETUNIA and cousin DUDLEY stand stiffly. Petunia flicks a bit of fluff from Dudley"s sweater, glowers crossly at Harry, and jerks her head toward the door.

Well, go on. Open it. Harry reaches for the knob when -- BLAM! -- it BURSTS OPEN, revealing a LARGE, WADDLING WOMAN (AUNT MARGE) and a LARGE WADDLING BULLDOG (RIPPER). Uncle Vernon lurches forward out of the teeming RAIN, an ENORMOUS SUITCASE in hand, and drops it on Harry.

Marge! Welcome! How was the train?

Wretched. Ripper got sick.

Ah. How... unfortunate.

I would"ve left him with the others, but he pines so when I"m away. Don"t you, darling? Aunt Marge puckers her lips at Ripper and leads him down the hallway. Harry follows with Uncle Vernon.

Uncle Vernon. I need you to sign this form.

Nothing. Something for school... Uncle Vernon eyes the PARCHMENT in Harry"s hand suspiciously.

Later perhaps. If you behave.

I will if she does.

(turning, eyeing Harry) So. Still here, are you?

Don"t say "yes" in that ungrateful tone. Damn good of my brother to keep you, if you ask me. (to Vernon, Petunia) It"d have been straight to an orphanage if he"d been dumped on my doorstep. Just then Dudley -- sitting comatose before the TV -- emits a HOLLOW, BRAIN-DEAD CHUCKLE.

Is that my Dudders! Hm? Is that my neffy poo? Come and say hello to your Auntie Marge. Marge flashes a thick FAN of POUND NOTES. Dudley blinks, waddles forward, and extends his plump palm obediently. Harry looks on, then sees Ripper snuffling about his ankle.


As Harry clears the dishes, Uncle Vernon brings out a bottle of brandy.

Can I tempt you, Marge?

Just a small one. A bit more... a bit more... That"s the boy. (taking a sloppy sip) Aah. Excellent nosh, Petunia. It"s normally just a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs. She smacks her lips, lowers her brandy, and lets Ripper take a slobbery lap out of the glass... then catches Harry looking.

What are you smirking at! Where is it that you send him, Vernon?

St. Brutus"s. It"s a first-rate institution for hopeless cases. Hearing this, Harry frowns, glances at Uncle Vernon, who glares darkly at him.

I see. And do they use the cane at St. Brutus"s, boy?

(sarcastically) Oh, yes. I"ve been beaten loads of times.

Excellent. I won"t have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not hitting people who deserve it. (another sip) Still. Mustn"t blame yourself for how this one"s turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy"s father did, Petunia?

(agitated) Nothing. That is... he didn"t work. He was -- unemployed.

7 CONTINUED: (2) 7

Of course. And a drunk, I expect --

That"s a lie. Aunt Marge pauses on her wine, eyes narrowing on Harry.

What did you say?

My dad wasn"t a drunk. POP! The GLASS in Aunt Marge"s hand EXPLODES.

Oh my goodness! Marge!

Not to worry, Petunia. I have a very firm grip. Harry stares at the shattered glass in surprise.

You go to bed. Now.

Quiet, Vernon. It doesn"t matter about the father. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there"s something wrong with the bitch, there"ll be something wrong with the pup...

Shut up! Shut up! Aunt Marge starts to reply, when -- ZING! -- a BUTTON on her dress sails into the air. SEAMS GROAN. THREAD SNAPS. Aunt Marge"s eyes WIDEN. Her cheeks BILLOW. Her whole body BILLOWS. And she begins to INFLATE like a


As she rises, Uncle Vernon leaps for her. RIPPER GROWLS, fixes his teeth to his trousers. Harry frightened by what he"s done, watches Aunt Marge BOUNCE GENTLY across the ceiling and into the CONSERVATORY.


The others race outside. As Aunt Marge begins to float away, Uncle Vernon grips her hands.

Don"t worry! I"ve got you... Slowly... to his horror... Uncle Vernon himself begins to RISE. Aunt Marge looks fearfully into his eyes...

Vernon. Don"t you dare -- But he does. He lets go. Falls to his knees. And watches Aunt Marge float away.


Harry crashes inside, takes his TRUNK, then puts his heel to a LOOSE FLOORBOARD and removes his WAND from its hiding place. Turning, he grabs the PHOTOGRAPH of his parents.


BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Harry tows the TRUNK down the stairs... finds Uncle Vernon waiting for him.



No! She deserved what she got! And you... you keep away from me. Uncle Vernon eyes Harry"s wand nervously, then grins with knowing cruelty.

You"re not allowed to do magic out of school. They won"t have you now. You"ve got nowhere to go. Harry realizes it"s true. Briefly falters. Then:

Anywhere"s better than here.


As Harry storms out with his trunk, we DOLLY TO the street WITH him. High in the sky, a plump DOT rises. Aunt Marge.


Harry walks and walks and walks, then... stops. Glances about. An empty PLAYGROUND. SWINGS CREAKING gently on rusted chains. A tiny CAROUSEL, kissed gently by the wind, turning slowly.

Harry drops the trunk. Sits. Deep in the night, an ALARM SHRIEKS, goes SILENT. Harry, still as a statue. Listening. In the trees above, LEAVES TREMBLE. The WIND gathers. Harry turns, studies the swaying swings, the carousel. Then, he... stiffens. Turns back. Sensing something in the shadows across the street, he rises. Slowly draws his wand. Then he sees... it. Something BIG. Darker than the shadows which conceal it. Something with WIDE, GLEAMING

Harry steps back. Afraid to look. Afraid not to. Wand outstretched... he TRIPS, tumbles over the forgotten trunk. The tip of his wand BLAZES. BANG! TWIN BEAMS of BLINDING LIGHT spear the night.

Aaaah! GIANT WHEELS bear down. Harry rolls clear -- just as a PREPOSTEROUSLY PURPLE, TRIPLE-DECKER BUS SCREECHES to a halt. GOLD LETTERS glimmer above the windscreen: The Knight Bus. DOORS HISS. Snap back. REVEAL STAN SHUNPIKE, an 18- year-old boy in a WRINKLED CONDUCTOR"S UNIFORM. Pasty face. Raccoon eyes. Stan looks like he hasn"t seen the sun in years.

(wearily, drearily) Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening. (peering at Harry) Wha" choo doin" down there?

Wha" choo fall over for?


I didn"t do it on purpose. Stan eyes Harry suspiciously, nods slowly.

Well, come on then. Let"s not wait for the grass to grow. As Stan grabs Harry"s trunk, Harry peers into the shadows across the street -- now simply shadows -- and climbs aboard.


No seats. Only BEDS. The BRASS frames need a shine, the lines a wash. In one bed, a DISHEVELED WIZARD GRUNTS, turns over in his sleep.


Not now... I"m pickling slugs... Behind the wheel, ERNIE, an UNSHAVEN WIZARD in THICK GLASSES, stares straight ahead, armpits stained with sweat. A SHRUNKEN HEAD dangles from the rearview mirror, MUTTERING incessantly through the STITCHES that lace its mouth.

Take "er away, Ern.

Yeah, take it away! BANG! Ernie rockets away and the beds -- as one -- slide six inches to the rear. Harry drops onto the bed nearest, peers up at the CHANDELIER SWAYING directly above his head. Beyond the windscreen ONCOMING TRAFFIC WHIPS past in a blur.

Wot you say your name was again?

I didn"t. Stan, huddled in an armchair, peeks over The Daily Prophet, eyes Harry coolly, before disappearing once more. Harry brushes the fringe of his hair over his scar, watches an AMBULANCE -- SIREN WAILING -- careen past.


Whereabouts you headin"? Harry hesitates. He hadn"t thought about this. Decides.

The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London --

Is it now? Get that, Ern? The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London. Stan grins with sinister delight, showing BAD TEETH.

Leaky Cauldron! Stay away from the pea soup! As the Shrunken Head CACKLES with delight, Harry peers out the windscreen, watches London careering by.

Isn"t this a bit... dangerous?

Naah. Haven"t had an accident in -- what? -- a week is it, Ern?

Heads up! Little old lady at twelve o"clock! Sure enough, directly ahead, a LITTLE OLD LADY is crossing the street. Ernie HITS the BRAKES HARD and Harry flies forward, palms to the window. The brakes pinch down, the bus stops inches from the old lady, and Harry flies back onto his bed. BANG! The bus rockets forward once more. As Harry rights himself, he notices the HEADLINE of Stan"s Daily Prophet: ESCAPE FROM AZKABAN! Below, a sunken-faced MAN with long, matted hair glowers from a


Who is that? That man.

Who is that? That"s Sirius Black, that is. Don" tell me you ne"er been hearin" o" Sirius Black?

11 CONTINUED: (2) 11

A murderer, he is. Got "imself locked up in Azkaban for it.

How"d he escape?

Tha"s the question, isn"t it? He"s the firs" that"s done it. Gives me the collywobbles thinking he"s out there, though, I"ll tell you that. Big supporter of You- Know-"Oo, Black was. Reckon you heard o" him. Harry nods and, as he does, Black"s eyes shift. Meet Harry"s.

Yeah. Him I"ve heard of. Just then, a pair of DOUBLE-DECKER BUSES sweep directly toward the Knight Bus. Before can scream, the entire Knight Bus SQUEEZES DOWN and shoots the gap between the two onrushing buses. The Shrunken Head winces.

This bus. Don"t the Muggles ever...

Them! Don" listen properly, do they? Don" look properly either. Never notice nuffink, they don". Just then, a COUPLE walking a DOG are engulfed by a RUSH of WIND as the (invisible) Knight Bus WHOOSHES past. The couple glances about in bewilderment. The DOG YAPS madly.

Turn! Turn! Ernie fans the wheel, sending the Knight Bus into a dizzying 360-degree turn. HEADLIGHTS pinwheel past the windows as the bus rides up on two wheels and Harry is sent flying once more. Grabbing fast to the center POLE, he pirouettes through the air when Ernie... SLAMS on the


The Knight Bus fishtails INTO VIEW and SQUEALS to a stop, centimeters from a PARKED CAR. WHOOSH! The bus settles and -- TINK! -- taps the bumper. Instantly, the car"s ALARM wails.


The chandelier sways drunkenly as the bus doors open. The steps GROAN with heavy feet and a FIGURE appears: TOM, Innkeeper of the Leaky Cauldron pub.

Mr. Potter... at last.


As the Knight Bus rockets off, Tom and Harry are revealed, Harry glances up, reads the SIGN above: THE LEAKY CAULDRON. Tom drags Harry"s trunk inside, then pauses and, with a FLICK of his wand, silences the car alarm.


Harry trails Tom through the quiet room. The BARTENDER glances up, his gaze lingering perhaps a bit too long. A solitary WIZARD reads a book while, at his elbow, his COFFEE CUP STIRS ITSELF. Tom leads Harry upstairs.


As Harry follows Tom inside, he finds a SNOW WHITE OWL (HEDWIG) perched atop a chair.

Right smart bird you"ve got there, Mr. Potter. Arrived only minutes before yourself. A MAN CLEARS his throat. Harry turns, finds a PINSTRIPED SILHOUETTE (CORNELIUS FUDGE) at the window, staring at the ghostly shadows beyond. Harry"s reflection shivers in the glass, but the man doesn"t turn. Tom takes a position against the wall, fishes a pair of WALNUTS from his pocket and -- CRACK -- crushes the shells between his palms.


I should tell you, Mr. Potter, earlier this evening your uncle"s sister was located just south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched and she"s been properly punctured and her memory modified. She has no recollection of the incident whatsoever. Harry waits. A man condemned. Then Fudge turns.

So that"s that, and no harm done. (smiling) Pea soup? Harry glances warily from the steaming TUREEN of GREEN to Tom, who works a grimy thumb into his gum, frees a walnut sliver.

No thank you. Minister... I don"t understand. I broke the law. Underage wizards aren"t allowed to use magic at home --

(dishing up a bowl) Oh, come now, Harry. The Ministry doesn"t send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts! On the other hand... running away like that... given the state of things... very, very irresponsible.

"The state of things" sir?

We have a killer on the loose.

Sirius Black, you mean. But... what"s that got to do with me? CRACK! Tom SHATTERS another WALNUT. Fudge smiles nervously.

14 CONTINUED: (2) 14

Hm? Oh, nothing. You"re safe, that"s what matters. Tomorrow you"ll be on your way to Hogwarts. These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty of having them brought here for you. Harry eyes the STACK of BOOKS. One is bound by a ROPE.

By the way, Harry. Whilst you"re here it would be best if you didn"t... wander.


THROUGH the window: the rooftops of London. A TRAIN PASSES and CAMERA PULLS BACK, REVEALS Harry, standing with Hedwig. He turns, eyes his schoolbooks. He studies the GROWLING TOME -- The Monster Book of Monsters -- then gives the rope a tug. Instantly... ... the book LEAPS to the floor, pages flying, bookcovers SNAPPING. Harry gives chase, then the book turns, begins NIPPING viciously at his shoes. Harry vaults atop the bed, watches the book disappear underneath, then grabs a

Seconds later, the book scuttles into view and Harry POUNCES -- FLUMPH! The BOOK ROARS angrily, muffled beneath the pillow. Harry takes the ROPE, prepares to rebind it.


A YOUNG WITCH in maid"s robes pushes a cart down the hall. Harry exits his room as the witch KNOCKS on a door.

Housekeeping. As she opens the door, she"s greeted by a THUNDEROUS ROAR and a RUSH of WIND.

(unperturbed) I"ll come back later.


Something SMALL and FAST dashes by Harry"s feet. Looking, he spies a rather ragged-looking RAT (SCABBERS), pursued by a decidedly UGLY ORANGE CAT (CROOKSHANKS).


As Harry moves down the stairs, VOICES come from below.

I"m warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I"ll turn it into a tea cozy.

He"s a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It"s in his nature. As Harry reaches bottom, he finds RON WEASLEY protectively cradling Scabbers, while HERMIONE GRANDER does her best to restrain a HISSING Crookshanks.

A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me.

That"s rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. (cooing to the cat) It"s all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy... Then, sensing another presence in the room, both turn.


from The Daily Prophet.



In the accompanying PHOTO, the entire WEASLEY FAMILY stands before the GREAT PYRAMIDS, waving. Smack in the middle is Ron, Scabbers perched on his shoulder.


As Ron smoothes the dog-eared clipping onto the table, Harry studies it. Hermione ignores it, stroking Crookshanks.

Egypt! What"s it like?

Brilliant. It"s got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death masks. Tombs --

You know, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshipped the cat goddess Bast. Ron glares stonily at Hermione, then turns back to Harry.

I also got a new wand. Just then, a COMMOTION is HEARD. The Weasleys -- PERCY, FRED, GEORGE, GINNY, ARTHUR, and MOLLY -- arrive en masse, laden with purchases from Diagon Alley.

Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?

I haven"t shown anyone!

No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium... Mrs. Weasley takes Harry"s face in her hands, smiles. As if relieved to see him.

It"s good to see you, Harry.


Good to see you too, Mrs. Weasley.

Harry. I wonder if I might have a word.

Of course, Mr. Weasley. As Mr. Weasley pulls Harry away, the others continue to hover over the clipping in the b.g.

George"s nose looks positively massive in that photograph.

That"s your nose, Fred.

Bloody hell. "Tis, isn"t it? Take after your side of the family, don"t I, Mum? Harry notices Mr. Weasley glance edgily at a FUGITIVE POSTER tacked to the wall. In it, SIRIUS BLACK glowers under the words, "Have You Seen This Man?"

Harry. There are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I"m about to tell you. But I think you need to know the facts. Because you"re in danger. Grave danger. Harry"s eyes drift to the fugitive poster.

Has this anything to do with him, sir?

What do you know of Sirius Black, Harry?

That he escaped from Azkaban. That he killed someone...

23A CONTINUED: (2) 23A

Harry, thirteen years ago, when you stopped...

Mr. Weasley hesitates, unable to continue.

(nodding nervously) Black lost everything. But he remains a loyal servant to this day. In his mind, only you stand in the way of... Once again, Mr. Weasley hesitates.

Harry, I hate it when you say --

I know, sorry. Ron hates it too.

In Black"s mind, only you stand in the way of... You-Know-Who returning to power. That"s why he"s broken. That"s why he"s broken out of Azkaban. To find you. And... Mr. Weasley hesitates yet again.

Kill me? Mr. Weasley nods. Nervously.

Harry. I want you to swear that -- whatever you might hear -- you won"t go looking for Black.

Mr. Weasley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me? Mr. Weasley nods, then claps Harry on the shoulder.

23A CONTINUED: (3) 23A

Just watch yourself, will you, Harry?


As the HOGWARTS EXPRESS BLEATS ITS HORN, we CRANE OVER the milling horde of students. Parents hurry their children onboard, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... and Mr. Weasley dashes through the throng and up to an open train window.

Ron! She hands Scabbers through the open window to him.


The aisle teems with students. Harry, Ron and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment.

I didn"t mean to blow her up. I just... (troubled by the memory) ... lost control.

Honestly, Ron, it"s not funny. Harry"s lucky he wasn"t expelled.

I still think it was brilliant. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A copy of the The Monster Book of Monsters SCUTTLES CRAB-LIKE down the aisle, pursued by


Hi, Harry. Ron. Hermione.



Hi, Neville. As he bumps past, Hermione nods to a compartment.

C"mon. We"re in here.


As they slip inside, they find a MAN in SHABBY ROBES (PROFESSOR LUPIN) slumped against the window, asleep. He looks ill, exhausted. The trio eye him warily. WHISPER.

Who d"you reckon he is?

Professor R.J. Lupin.

You know everything. How is it she knows everything?

It"s on his case. She points. Stamped in peeling letters on a BATTERED CASE is "Professor R.J. Lupin."

Is he really asleep?

Seems to be. Why? What is it, Harry?

Close the door. Hermione and Ron exchange a curious glance, then Ron rises, slides the door shut, OVER CAMERA, and we --


Storm clouds, like dark ghosts, toss SHEETS of RAIN onto the scarlet engine as it heads north.


Ron and Hermione stare at Harry, faces stricken in the lantern light that now glows in the compartment. Crookshanks slumbers in his CAGE.

Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?

But they"ll catch Black, won"t they? I mean... eventually?

Sure -- Of course, no one"s ever broken out of Azkaban before and he"s a raving, murderous lunatic... Just then, the COMPARTMENT RATTLES. Lanterns flicker. The train LURCHES, begins to SLOW. Hermione slides down the seat, pinning Ron against the window. They exchange an awkward glance, then Hermione carefully slides to the other end of the seat and glances at her WATCH. Frowns.

Why"re we stopping? We can"t be there yet... Harry rises, slides open the door, peers into the corridor. HARRY"S POV -- All along the carriage, HEADS look out curiously. Then -- the train JERKS -- the car SWAYS -- and the LAMPS running along the ceiling FLICKER and...


Die. One by one. Until all is...


What"s going on?


A thin WISP of STEAM escapes Ron"s mouth. Harry notices.

Dunno... Maybe we"ve broken down?

Ouch! Ron, that was my foot! SQUEAK-SQUEAK-SQUEAK. Ron, a dark silhouette against the window, wipes a patch of condensation from the window.

There"s something moving out there. I think... people are coming aboard. Suddenly the CAR SWAYS violently... rights itself. The METAL WINDOW TRIM at Ron"s fingertips begins to VIBRATE.

Bloody hell. What"s happening? SSSSST! A soft CRACKLING fills the car and FLAMES bloom... in the hands of R.J. Lupin. In the SHIVERING LIGHT, his face looks tired and gray, but his eyes are alert. Wary.

Don"t. Move. A HAND -- slimy and scabbed -- a hand of death -- GRIPS the half-open compartment door, pushes it aside. REVEALS: a TOWERING, CLOAKED FIGURE, its face hidden beneath its black hood. CROOKSHANKS" hair rises and as she HISSES... WHOOSHHHHH. The folds of the hood TREMBLE. A CHILL, RATTLING INTAKE OF AIR is heard. The FLAMES in Lupin"s hands SPUTTER. A SOUND SWELLS in Harry"s ears. Eerie. Painful. The sound of a WOMAN SCREAMING. Harry"s eyes roll up, eyelids fluttering. And then... a SILVERY WHITE LIGHT drifts from his mouth. The world spins off its axis and Harry falls... glasses tumbling hard to the ground... then Harry... the muscles of his jaw twitching. THUNDER CRACKS. LIGHTNING paints the ICY windows...

32 CONTINUED: (2) 32

With a DESPERATE GASP, Harry opens his eyes. Blinks. DUSK IS GONE. The windows BLACK. The floor at his spine is SHAKING GENTLY. The train moving again. His eyes shift, see a DROP OF WATER, newly unfrozen, running slowly down the window.

Harry? Harry, are you all right? Hermione"s troubled face hovers above him. He nods. Sits up. Ron -- pale, nervous -- extends his hand. Harry"s glasses.

Thanks. Harry slips them on. Discovers the cold sweat glazing his brow. SNAP! Professor Lupin breaks a ragged triangle of CHOCOLATE off the SLAB in his hands. Holds it out.

Chocolate. Eat. It"ll help.

What was that -- that thing?

A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It"s gone now. Harry frowns in confusion.

It was searching the train, Harry. For Sirius Black.

I need to have a word with the driver. Excuse me. (the chocolate) Eat. It"ll help. As he leaves, Harry turns to Ron and Hermione.

What happened to me?

32 CONTINUED: (3) 32

Well, you sort of went... rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something.

And did either of you? You know... pass out?

I was trembling. Cold. But then... Professor Lupin made it go away...

But someone was screaming. A woman. Hermione and Ron glance nervously at each other.

No one was screaming, Harry. Harry looks to the window and we PUSH IN ON his REFLECTION. It becomes a GLIMMERING PUDDLE and...


SPLASH!... a CARRIAGE WHEEL shatters the glassy surface as we TILT UP, catch a procession of HORSELESS CARRIAGES, carrying students toward the glimmering castle. Gradually, the sweet sound of a CHOIR rises on the air, a FLASH of LIGHTNING bleaches the night sky and we --


The CAMERA as it GLIDES TOWARD the windows of the Great Hall, TOWARD the CANDLELIT SILHOUETTES glimmering within, PASSING THROUGH the glass.


At the High Table, Lupin sits with SEVERUS SNAPE, MINERVA McGONAGALL, RUBEUS HAGRID and ALBUS DUMBLEDORE. We TRACK ALONG the FACES of the choir, singing to the strains of a HARPSICHORD, and LAND ON a QUINTET OF TOADS (one of which -- TREVOR -- belongs to NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, who looks on with pride). ARGUS FILCH, Hogwarts" caretaker, stands grimly to the side as red-eyed MRS. NORRIS switches her tail at his feet. As the choir"s song concludes, DUMBLEDORE rises, beaming over the sea of black hats.

Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair... McGONAGALL clears her throat.

Mm. Yes. First, I"m pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor. Amid SCATTERED APPLAUSE, Harry, Ron, Hermione CLAP

Of course! That"s why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry.

As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I"m delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione stare at each other -- stunned -- then APPLAUD vigorously. Hagrid turns ruby red, rises, and nearly topples the staff table, sending water goblets weaving.

(turning grave) Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts -- at the request of the Ministry of Magic -- will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban. A MURMUR of apprehension fills the hall. At the Slytherin table, DRACO MALFOY, flanked by the ever- present CRABBE and GOYLE, catches Harry"s eye, feigns a dead faint.

The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving.


Students exit the Great Hall, scale the Marble Staircase.


Harry, Ron and Hermione arrive at the seventh floor landing and approach the FAT LADY in the portrait.


The Gryffindors trail through the common room, the girls heading one way, boys the other.


While those around him sleep, Harry takes the PHOTOGRAPH of his parents, sets it next to his bed, then glances around in quiet contentment.


Good to be home, eh, Harry? Harry turns -- caught -- and finds Ron studying him from his own bed, Scabbers cradled in his hand. Harry nods and turns to the window..


The Dementors drift to their positions outside the grounds.


Harry continues to stare.

Yeah... As his breath CLOUDS THE GLASS, we gradually...


As BRIDGE and CASTLE glimmer in the distance, Hagrid emerges from the Forbidden Forest, dragging a fistful of dead FERRETS by the tail. A BIRD appears, circles his head playfully, CHIRP-CHIRP-CHIRPING merrily before it... ... flutters off, pin-wheeling past flowers, into a BIRDBATH, finally coming to rest upon... ... an ANCIENT TREE. It TWITTERS cheerfully, singing its lovely song, when -- THWOCK! -- a branch punts the bird into the air. As feathers fly, the WHOMPING WILLOW resumes its shape.


Harry, Ron and Hermione sit on fat little pouffes in a murky, incense-laden room, along with Neville, Dean, Seamus, LAVENDER BROWN, PARVATI PATIL and others.



Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess... A crimson scrim FLUTTERS and SYBIL TRELAWNEY, Divination Professor, glides dramatically INTO VIEW, eyes huge and bug-like behind enormous glasses.


The Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one"s Inner Eye.

(under her breath) What rubbish. Ron spins. Frowns at Hermione.

Where"d you come from?

Me? I"ve been here all along.


(spinning on Neville) You, boy! Is your grandmother well?

I... I think so.


I wouldn"t be so sure of that. (continuing) The first term will be devoted to the reading of tea leaves. If all goes well, we will proceed to palmistry, fire omens, and finally... the crystal ball. (eyeing Parvati) By the way, dear, beware a red- haired man.

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Parvati eyes Ron dubiously. Edges her pouffe away.


Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu. I myself will lose my voice. And in late spring, one of our number will... leave us forever. As the class exchanges uneasy glances, Trelawney smiles brightly.


Well then. Shall we?


Inside, a CLOUD of TEA LEAVES mutates oddly. Harry, sitting opposite Ron now, frowns at the leaves, consults the SYMBOLS in the textbook (Unfogging the Future) at his elbow. Trelawney walks amongst them, robes flowing.


Broaden your minds, my dears. And allow your eyes to see... beyond. Trelawney takes Lavender Brown"s cup, peers inside.


A five-leaf clover... You can expect to wake with a horrible rash tomorrow morning, dear. (then, casually) Mr. Longbottom, after you"ve broken your first cup... CA-CHINK! Neville fumbles the cup in his hands and the brittle CRASH of CHINA is heard.


Would you be so kind as to select one of the blue ones? I"m rather partial to the pink. (pausing by Ron) What do you see in Mr. Potter"s cup, Mr. Weasley?

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Well. He"s got a wonky sort of cross -- that"s trials and suffering. But this lot here could be the sun -- that"s great happiness. So... he"s going to suffer but be very happy about it. Professor Trelawney takes the cup, peers inside, and


What is it, Professor? Trelawney regards Harry with a mixture of pity and fear.


My dear boy... You have the Grim.

The Grin? What"s the Grin?

The Grim. Not the grin, you idiot.

But what does it mean, Professor?

"The Grim..." All turn, see Lavender bent over her textbook.

"Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it is among the darkest omens in our world. It is an omen... of death." Harry peers into his cup. The tea leaves shift. The dog disappears. And a new image emerges slowly... Sirius Black.


The trio emerge from the BRIDGE and make their way toward Hagrid"s hut. The Whomping Willow looms in the distance.


Death omens. Honestly. If you ask me, Divination"s a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes. That"s a fascinating subject.

Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?

Hang on. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You"d have to be in two classes at once.

Don"t be silly. How could anyone be in two classes at once? (mimicking Trelawney) Broaden your minds...


STUDENTS gather around Hagrid as Harry, Ron and Hermione arrive. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle stand with the Slytherins.

C"mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin" up. Follow me.


Hagrid leads them toward a small paddock just this side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, a freestanding IRON RACK hangs with DEAD FERRETS, BUZZING with FLIES. Nearby is a PUMPKIN PATCH.

Gather "round. Find yerself a spot. That"s it. Now, firs" thing yeh"ll want ter do is open yer books --

And exactly how do we do that?


Hagrid looks. Belts, rope, Spellotape: any means available have been employed to bridle The Monster Book of Monsters, which QUIVER VIOLENTLY.

Crikey. Didn" yeh know? All yeh"ve got ter do is stroke "em. Look -- Hagrid takes Hermione"s copy, SNAPS the Spellotape binding it. As it begins to BITE, Hagrid calmly runs a forefinger down the book"s spine and it... SHIVERS. Falls quietly open. Hagrid glances at the class, looking suddenly unsure.

God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore"s got this oaf teaching classes.

Listen, you stupid prat -- Eyes WIDENING in fear, Malfoy steps back, points.

Potter, there"s a Dementor behind you. Harry JUMPS, wheels in fear, finds... nothing. Instantly, the SLYTHERINS make an eerie OOH... and OOH sound, then break up laughing. Harry reddens, embarrassed, then... A STRANGE BEAST (BUCKBEAK) emerges from the trees. It has the torso, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of a giant eagle. The students step back in fear, then Hagrid appears, shooing the beast on.

Gee up, there! (grinning) Beau"iful, isn" he?

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There seems no consensus on this, but the students stare in wary wonder nonetheless. As Hagrid coaxes the beast to the center of the paddock, Ron stares uneasily.

Hagrid. Exactly what is that?

A Hippogriff, o" course. Now, firs" thing yeh gotta know is they"re proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don"t never insult one, "cause it migh" be the las" thing yeh do. Right then -- who wants ter come an" say hello? The entire class STEPS BACK, leaving Harry in front.

Good man, Harry! Harry looks around, then -- reluctantly -- approaches.

Tha"s it. Easy now... stop! This here"s Buckbeak, Harry. Yeh want ter let "im make the firs" move. It"s polite, see? Jus" take step forward, give "im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh"re allowed ter touch him. Ready? Unsure, Harry nods anyway. Steps forward. And... bows. Buckbeak"s head cocks, eagle eyes studying Harry cannily. Harry waits. And waits...

Back off, Harry! Back off! Harry starts to step back, when... Buckbeak ducks his beak. Hagrid sighs, relieved.

Well done, Harry! Go on. Give "im a pat. Tentatively, Harry reaches out, lays his hand on Buckbeak"s fierce beak. The class CLAPS. Harry smiles.

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Look at that! I reckon he migh" let yeh ride "im!

(smile drooping) Excuse me?

We"ll jus" set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don" pull any feathers out. He won" like that. Hagrid lifts Harry high, drops him onto Buckbeak"s back, and before Harry"s settled, SLAPS Buckbeak"s hindquarters.

Off yeh go! As Buckbeak GALLOPS FORWARD, Harry slides scarily back, giant WINGS unfold, huge and powerful, and -- WHOOSH! -- they SOAR into the air. Rising higher. And higher. And higher. Gradually, Harry loosens his hold on Buckbeak"s neck. Losing himself in the joy of flying. Smiling at the sight of his and Buckbeak"s SHADOW racing across the grass below. Circling over the Whomping Willow, past Hogwarts castle, and then SWOOPING, with heart-stopping speed, over the Black Lake, Buckbeak"s talons tickling the smooth glass of the water, summoning the GIANT SQUID to the surface briefly. Hagrid WHISTLES then, and Buckbeak wheels, beating his way back to the paddock, galloping to a halt. As Harry slides off, the class CHEERS -- all except Draco, who narrows his eyes maliciously.

Good work, Harry! (under his breath) How"m I doin" me firs" day?

Brilliant... Professor. They both grin, when Draco pushes past them roughly, strides toward Buckbeak.

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Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy. You"re not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute --

Malfoy! No! In a flash, Buckbeak"s steely talons SLASH DOWN. Malfoy freezes. Looks down at the BLOOD BLOSSOMING on his robes. SHRIEKS. Instantly, Harry dashes forward. Buckbeak WHIPS AROUND, raises its talons and -- seeing Harry -- lowers them. Ducks its beak. Harry... realizing what he"s done... breathes.

It"s killed me! It"s killed me!

Calm yerself! Yer fine... jus" a scratch... Hagrid looks: a DEEP GASH glistens on Draco"s limp arm.

Hagrid. He"s got to be taken to a hospital. I"ll go with you, if you like --

No. I"m the teacher. You all... you all just... Class dismissed! And with that, Hagrid -- looking shaken -- swoops up Malfoy, flops him over his shoulder, and lumbers toward the castle.


As Lavender and Parvati huddle over a DOZEN TEACUPS, Avidly interpreting patterns in HUSHED VOICES, Draco, arm bound in a SLING, holds court before a clot of Slytherins.

Does it hurt terribly, Draco?


(a tad theatrical) It comes and goes. Still... I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two... and I could"ve lost the arm. Harry, Ron and Hermione watch from the Gryffindor table.

The little git. He"s really laying it on thick, isn"t he?

At least Hagrid didn"t get sacked.

Yes. But I hear Draco"s father"s furious. I don"t think we"ve heard the end of this...

He"s been sighted! They turn. Seamus and the other Gryffindors are huddled over a copy of The Daily Prophet.

Who? But the PHOTOGRAPH on the Prophet"s front page provides a chilling answer: Sirius Black. Hermione reads over the shoulders of others. WHISPERS half to herself:

Achintee? That"s not far from here...

You don"t think he"d come to Hogwarts, do you?

With the Dementors at every entrance?

Dementors? He"s already slipped by them once, hasn"t he? Who"s to say he can"t do it again?

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As a flicker of fear passes through Harry"s face, BEM, a Nigerian boy, stares grimly at the grainy image of Black.

That"s right. Black could be anywhere. It"s like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.


Beautiful flowers gleam in the dawn light, then, slowly begin to WITHER. The dew FREEZES, the grass grows brittle. Seconds later, the Dementors sweep by.


A tall WARDROBE RATTLES VIOLENTLY as Harry, Ron and several classmates regard it warily.

Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what"s inside?

(in a hushed voice) That"s a Boggart, that is.

Very good, Mr. Finnigan. Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?

No one knows. Ron JUMPS, glances at Hermione, then WHISPERS to Harry.

When"d she get here?


Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That"s what makes it so --

Terrifying, yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let"s practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!

(muttering softly) It"s this class that"s ridiculous.

Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Neville, come up here, will you? Neville eyes the rattling wardrobe, steps forward queasily.

What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?

Profter... Snafpt...

Didn"t catch that, Neville, sorry.

Professor Snape. Everyone LAUGHS good-naturedly. Lupin nods thoughtfully.

Hmmm... yes. Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?

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Yes, but I don"t want the Boggart to turn into her either.

It won"t. But I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind. Can you do that?

(closing his eyes) She carries a red handbag...

That"s fine. We don"t need to hear it. If you see it, we will. Now, when I open this wardrobe, Neville, here"s what I want you to do... Lupin leans close to Neville, WHISPERS. Neville"s eyes POP OPEN in shock. Consider Lupin uncertainly.

You can do this, Neville. Neville nods nervously, takes a deep breath.

Right then. Wand at the ready. One. Two. Three! SPARKS jet from Lupin"s wand, strike the doorknob, and the wardrobe BURSTS OPEN. Instantly, Snape appears, eyes flashing hideously as he stalks forward. Neville backs away in fright.

Think, Neville. Think!

R-r-riddikulus! CRACK! Snape stumbles in a FLASH OF LIGHT and reappears... in a LONG, LACE-TRIMMED DRESS, TOWERING MOTH-EATEN HAT, and CRIMSON HANDBAG. Instantly, the class ROARS (except for Draco and his fellow Slytherins). Neville blinks, amazed, then slowly, grins himself. Lupin drops the needle on an OLD GRAMAPHONE. As a SCRATCHY RHUMBA fills the room, he points to Ron.

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Ron! Forward! Snape DISSOLVES into a mad whirling mass, then mutates into a... GIANT SPIDER. As Ron GASPS, Harry and Hermione exchange an uncertain glance. Lupin puts his hands on Ron"s shoulders to steady him. Ron raises his wand.

Riddikulus! CRACK! ROLLER SKATES materialize on the spider"s hairy feet and it begins to shuffle crazily in place. Instantly, Ron relaxes as the class" LAUGHTER rings out.

Parvati! As Parvati steps up, the spider SPINS faster and faster, a DIZZYING BLUR, then reappears as a VAMPIRE.

Riddikulus! As the vampire WHIPS its cloak across its eyes, we CUT BEHIND... so our POV is of the students. SWISH! The cloak reopens, the class LAUGHS, and we REVERSE again... see that the vampire is now dressed like CARMEN MIRANDA. As it begins to SHIMMY about -- against its will -- the class starts to CLAP.

Mr. Thomas! As Dean steps up, the vampire"s undulating body attenuates, its skin darkening with diamond-thatched SCALES becoming... a GIANT COBRA.

Riddikulus! The cobra"s hooded head BOBS back and forth, transforms into a JACK-IN-THE-BOX. Lupin grins and...

Next! ... turns, sees Harry step forward expectantly. Concern flickers through Lupin"s face. The Jack-In-The-Box pivots on its spring, its face tumbling toward Harry, becoming more sinister, transforming into a...

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Dementor. Suddenly the MUSIC FADES. Harry starts to raise his wand, then... freezes, transfixed. The Dementor looms closer and closer, when...

Lupin steps between, snaps his wand.

Here! CRACK! -- the Dementor vanishes and a ROILING MIST appears, which becomes CLOUDS. Something glows within the clouds, white, silvery and round...

Riddikulus! POP! The orb deflates like a punctured balloon, WHIZZES crazily about the room, then darts back into the wardrobe. The door SLAMS SHUT and the CLASS CHEERS.

Well done, everyone. I think that"s enough excitement for today. As the students exit, chattering loudly, only Harry, subdued, remains behind. At the doorway, Lupin glances back, exchanges a private glance with him. As he exits, the WARDROBE gives one last RATTLE.


A great buzzing queue of STUDENTS -- Third Years and older -- each clutching a PERMISSION FORM -- pass by a glowering Filch. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again. Harry approaches her, but before he can utter a syllable: PROFESSOR McGONAGALL No permission form. No visiting the Village. That"s the rule, Potter.


Yes, Professor, but I thought if you said I could go -- PROFESSOR McGONAGALL But I don"t say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate. (a flicker of pity) I"m sorry, Potter. But that"s my final word. Ron and Hermione -- watching Harry expectantly from across the way -- see him turn, shake his head. Their faces fall. Harry raises his hand in farewell. Watches them go.


So. No Hogsmeade, eh ?


Deep in the distance, some BOYS skate about on brooms, tossing a RAGGED QUAFFLE back and forth. CAMERA TILTS. FINDS Harry and Lupin walking along the bridge.

Well, don"t feel too bad. I was roundly disappointed the first time I went.

No. I was just trying to make you feel better. Honeydukes" sweets are the best in the world. Their Pepper Imps are so strong you smoke at the ears. And Zonko"s Joke Shop may be dangerous, but you can"t beat their Stink Pellets.


(nodding glumly) Not to mention The Shrieking Shack, which, according to Hermione, is the most severely haunted building in Britain.

Yes, that too...

Professor, can I ask you something?

You"d like to know why I stopped you from facing the Boggart. (off Harry"s surprise) I should think it"d be obvious. I assumed the Boggart would take the shape of Lord Voldemort. Harry frowns. Lupin studies him curiously.

But clearly... I was wrong.

I did think of Voldemort first. But then, I remembered that night on the train... and the Dementors...

Well, well. I"m impressed. That suggests that what you fear most of all is... fear. Very wise.

Before I fainted... I heard something. A woman. Screaming.

Dementors force us to relive the worst memories of our lives. Our pain becomes their power.

I think it was my mother. The night she was murdered. Harry looks up. Finds Lupin studying him.

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The first time I saw you, Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar. By your eyes. They"re your mother Lily"s. (nodding) Yes. I knew her. She was there for me at a time when no one else was. We used to talk for hours. She was not only a singularly gifted witch but an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in whoever she met, even -- and perhaps most especially -- when that person couldn"t see it in themselves... Lupin"s eyes glaze in memory, then he blinks, smiles.

Which perhaps explains her affection for your father. James had, shall we say, a certain talent for trouble. A gift, rumor has it, he passed on to you. Lupin turns, eyes Harry affectionately. Harry smiles vaguely.

I could tell you stories -- and there are many about your parents, Harry -- but know this... (eyeing Harry intensely) They lived. Every moment of every day. You should know that. That"s how they"d want to be remembered.


The Hall buzzes with tales of Hogsmeade, as students swap stories, sample sweets, and send SOAP BUBBLES of all shapes, sizes and colors into the air. A MARIONETTE of a HARLEQUIN cavorts atop the Gryffindor table, moving its limbs in response to the STRANDS of LIGHT that extend from Neville"s fingertips. Seamus passes his hand through the light beams and -- FLUMPH! -- the Harlequin collapses.


And the post office! It"s about 200 owls, all sitting on color- coded shelves, depending on how fast you want your letter to go!

And Honeyduke"s is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees -- and blood-flavored lollipops for Halloween! Harry nods, picking quietly through the spray of brilliantly colored sweets on the table. Hermione notices.

But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don"t you think, Ron?

Huh? Oh. Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on. I almost forgot. I got you something wicked at Dervish and Banges. It"s a Pocket Sneakoscope. Ron places a SMALL GLASS SPINNING TOP on the table.

If there"s someone untrustworthy around, it"s meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it"s rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can"t hurt, given that...

Sirius Black"s trying to kill me. Harry looks up, GRINS at the two of them.

I"m glad you had a good time. Really. And thanks for this. (eyeing the Sneakoscope) Rubbish or not, you"re right. It can"t hurt. With that, Harry pops a PEPPER IMP into his mouth.

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Oh, careful of those, they"ll make your...

On cue, SMOKE CURLS from Harry"s ears and nose.


As Harry, Ron, and Hermione climb the stairs, they find a crowd gathering on the Seventh Floor landing.

What"s the hold-up? Only Neville ever forgets the password.

(pushing past) Let me through, please. Excuse me, thank you, I"m Head Boy... (stopping dead) Back! All of you! No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched! Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchange dark glances, when... Ginny emerges from the crowd, her face ashen.

The Fat Lady... she"s gone.

Probably stuffing her face with the apples in that still life on the second floor again.

No. You don"t understand -- Hermione GASPS. GRABS Harry"s arm. He looks. SEES: The Fat Lady"s portrait has been SLASHED VICIOUSLY, great strips of canvas hanging from the frame. Just then, Dumbledore appears.

Mr. Filch. Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady.


Just then, there is a SCREAM. The students dash to the landing, where all THE PAINTINGS WHISPER FEARFULLY. Filch"s rheumy eyes peer up, searching the upper shadows, then... narrow.

There"ll be no need for ghosts, Professor... Filch extends a crooked finger. High up, near the ceiling, the Fat Lady cowers in a portrait not her own, trembling.

Dear lady. Who did this to you?

(in a trance) Eyes like the devil he"s got. And a soul as dark as his name. It was him, Headmaster. The one they talk about. He"s here. Somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black. As the students REACT, Dumbledore"s VOICE cuts through.

Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you... to the Great Hall.


CLOCK TOWER DOOR: Great GROANING TUMBLERS fall. SPINDLES rotate. CYLINDERS -- one after another -- fire into place. WINDOWS: Iron SPIKES, sharp as razors, rise instantly.


One by one, deep in the distance, the LIGHTS of the Great Hall go out. Dementors appear, COVERING FRAME, then separate like a curtain...


CAMERA DRIFTS THROUGH the silent room, OVER an ocean of SLEEPING BAGS, FINDS Harry lying awake, staring at the net of stars glimmering beyond the highest window.


A gentle CREAK is heard and Harry"s eyes shift, see Snape pass through the great doors, converge with Dumbledore.

I"ve done the dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black. Nor anywhere else in the castle.

(nodding) I didn"t really expect him to linger.

Remarkable feat, don"t you think? To enter Hogwarts castle on one"s own, completely undetected... Dumbledore gazes at the students, refusing to take the bait.

You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor --

I do not believe a single professor inside this castle would have helped Sirius Black enter it, Severus. As Snape"s eyes glitter darkly, Dumbledore gazes out over the slumbering students.

No... I feel quite confident the castle is safe. And I"m more than willing to let the students return to their Houses. But tomorrow. For now, let them sleep... As Dumbledore"s gaze finds Harry, he shuts his eyes, feigns sleep.

It"s astonishing what the body can endure when the mind allows itself to rest.


The Whomping Willow idly casts off a few withering leaves.



What villains are these that trespass upon my private lands!


The Fat Lady has been replaced by a PAINTING of a TINY KNIGHT (SIR CADOGAN). Stalking a bare stretch of grass as his PONY grazes nearby, he brandishes his sword wildly as a group of Gryffindors regard him warily.

Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan! Back, you scurvy braggarts! You rogues!

He"s barking mad!

What d"you expect? After what happened to the Fat Lady, none of the other pictures would take the job.

But he keeps changing the password. Twice just this morning! I"ve taken to keeping a list. As Neville holds up a wrinkled piece of parchment, Harry, Ron and Hermione begin to exit.

Farewell, comrades! If ever you have need of noble heart and steely sinew, call upon Sir Cadogan!

Yeah, we"ll call you... if we ever need someone mental.


SNAP! Snape PULLS DOWN a SCREEN over the blackboard, turns.


Turn to page 394. As the students eye Snape with guarded curiosity, Malfoy finishes SCRAWLING something on a bit of PARCHMENT and balls it up in his hands. As he opens them, a MOTH flutters from his palms.

Excuse me, sir, but... where"s Professor Lupin?

That"s not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394. Snape waves the MOTH away, blows out a candle and a SLIDE SHOW BEGINS. An ANCIENT WOODCUT of a HORRIFIC BEAST flickers at the front of the room. Ron frowns down at his book.

But, sir, we"ve only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We"re not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks --

(to Harry) When did she come in? Did you see her come in...

Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf? As the class stares mutely at a SLIDE of an ATTACKING WEREWOLF, Hermione waiting desperately for someone to respond to Snape"s question, the moth flutters by Harry.

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SWAT! He pins it to his desk. A tiny cloud of moth dust mushrooms into the air and Harry lifts his palm. Malfoy"s PARCHMENT has reappeared.

No one? How... disappointing.

Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind -- Malfoy lets out a LOW HOWL.

Quiet, Malfoy! Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?

(to Harry) He"s got a point, you know. Harry stares at the parchment. Malfoy has drawn a crude caricature of Harry in his Quidditch robes being STRUCK BY LIGHTNING over and over.

Five points from Gryffindor! (to the class) As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it. (suddenly) Passing notes, Potter? Snape SNATCHES the drawing from under Harry"s nose. Eyes it.

Not exactly Picasso, are you? I hope you demonstrate more talent on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do as an artist.

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If not, I fear you"ll perish, given the weather forecast. Until that time, however, you"ll forgive me if I don"t let you off homework. Should you die, I assure you... you need not hand it in. As Snape turns away, Malfoy sniggers with Crabbe, Coyle and PIKE. Harry glances down at the drawing once more and we hear a true RUMBLE of THUNDER and --



as it strikes one of the GOLDEN QUIDDITCH RINGS and the clouds bloom with ICY BLUE light. Far below, in the stands, RAIN lashes the SEA OF UMBRELLAS. As one flies free, soaring end over end into the sky, the... ... CROWD EXPLODES and two Quidditch squads -- Gryffindor in SCARLET, Hufflepuff in CANARY-YELLOW -- shoot into the air. Twin BLUDGERS FIRE skyward, and the match is on. We CUT INTO Harry, rising like a rocket through the mist, his robes SNAPPING VIOLENTLY in the wind.


As he flies, RAIN falling like NEEDLES before him, every dark cloud concealing potential danger. Beaters crisscross his path. A BLUDGER WHIZZES past, then a second ROCKETS DIRECTLY AT HIM. SWOOP! -- Harry ducks, watches the BLUDGER SHATTER the BROOM of a HUFFLEPUFF BEATER. The Beater goes into a wild spiral, vanishes in the mist.


Ron squints upward, the players little more than STREAKING BLURS from his vantage. KA-SSSST! A STITCH OF LIGHTNING strikes the TAIL of ANGELINA JOHNSON"S broom. As it BURSTS into FLAMES, she PLUMMETS to the pitch. Ron looks down at his own HAND. In the HIGHLY-CHARGED AIR, the HAIR above his knuckles RISES. In the sky, Harry flies fearlessly, searching for the Snitch as Bludgers pierce the clouds above him and CHASERS flit IN and OUT OF VIEW far below. Suddenly, in the stands opposite, a BLACK UMBRELLA flies from the hand of a RAVENCLAW GIRL. For a moment, it sails wondrously through the heavy air, a Magritte dream, then -- WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP! -- abruptly picks up speed, ROTATING LIKE A HATCHET. Harry DUCKS, turns, and watches it disappear into a bank of clouds. Then... ... something GLIMMERS: the Snitch. Instantly, Harry jets off closing fast on the tiny, glimmering ball, chasing it through one cloud... then another... and another... until... ... he BREAKS into a clear patch of sky... only to find the Snitch is gone. Angrily, Harry whips the Nimbus back around, searching the horizon frantically, when he spies something: In the stadium"s HIGHEST TOWER, something ENORMOUS flickers briefly in SILHOUETTE, then is obscured by a veil of mist. Harry turns. In the distance, the stray umbrella spins INTO VIEW, harpoons a player. Harry"s eyes shift. The SNITCH SHIMMERS like a FIREFLY in the dark underbelly of a cloud. Harry begins to go... when the veil of mist shrouding the high tower shifts and -- for one brief moment -- a GREAT DOG is revealed. As this mist closes, Harry frowns, jets away. As Harry pelts after the Snitch, the crowd RISES TO THEIR FEET, ROARING. Ron GRINS over the binoculars, watching Harry shred the mist as he urges his broom on.

Faster! Come on! The trace of a smile forms on Harry"s lips as he closes on the Snitch... only yards away... reaching out... when...

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A THIN GLAZE of ICE clouds his GLASSES. He wipes at them, then flinches: BLOOD trickles down his cheek. The rain is turning to needles. Needles of ice. Harry glances at the HANDLE of his BROOMSTICK. The water sluicing through the grain is FREEZING. VAPOR streams from his mouth and nose. SWOOSH! A dark SILHOUETTE passes on his right. He turns. SWOOSH! -- a twin SILHOUETTE passes on his left. Harry sees neither. Looks down. The layers of mist are parting below. LIGHTNING STRIKES. Reveals: an ARMY OF SILHOUETTES drifting onto the pitch. A vast legion of them...

A DISTANT WHISTLE weaves into the WIND, rises in pitch, not a whistle at all, but a... SCREAM. A WOMAN"S SCREAM. Harry"s eyes flutter, and wisps of SILVERY WHITE LIGHT float from his mouth. His glasses glaze over completely. His fingers, rigid, can no longer grip the broom and... He FALLS.

No!!! Harry and broom tumble in opposite directions. The Nimbus soars end over end, tossed by the currents, then drops... right into the Whomping Willow. FLOOMPH! Harry, in freefall, drops through one cloud, then another. Plummeting through the circling Dementors. Then... a TALL FIGURE rises from the crowd. Raises an OPEN HAND to the heavens. Eyes angry but clear. Dumbledore. An EXPLOSION -- more powerful than thunder -- rocks the air. A FLASH -- more fierce than lightning -- shocks the sky. And then...


Not a sound. For the longest time. Then... VOICES:

Looks a bit peaky, doesn"t he?

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Peaky? What d"you expect him to look like? He fell fifty feet.

Yeah, c"mon, Ron. We"ll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking.

Probably a right sight better than he normally does. Harry opens his eyes and Ron, Fred, George, and Hermione SLOWLY COME INTO FOCUS, standing at the foot of his bed in the hospital wing.

Harry! How"re you feeling?


As Harry edges up against his pillow, we see a NURSE in the b.g., removing the SPOKES of an umbrella from a Hufflepuff player"s neck. Harry doesn"t look so good himself.

Gave us a right good scare, mate.

You fell off your broom.

Really? I meant the match. Who won? Silence. Uncomfortable glances.

No one blames you, Harry. The Dementors aren"t meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off.


Harry nods grimly, stares at the RAIN LASHING the window.

There"s something else you should know, Harry. Your Nimbus -- when it blew away? -- it sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well... He tips a BAG of SPLINTERED WOOD and TWISTED TWIGS onto the bed. As Harry stares, we hear a gentle WIND, then...


I"m sorry about your broom, Harry. There"s no chance of fixing it?


Why do they affect me so, Professor? I mean, more than everyone else...

Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory, until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences. You"re not weak, Harry. The Dementors affect you most, because there are true horrors in your past. Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

I"m scared, Professor.

I"d consider you a fool if you weren"t.


I need to learn how to fight them. You could teach me, Professor. You made that Dementor on the train go away...

There was only one that night...

But you made it go away.

(a beat) I don"t pretend to be an expert, Harry. But yes, I can teach you. Perhaps after the holiday. For now, though, I need to rest. I"m feeling... tired. Harry turns, studies Lupin"s haggard face. A weary smile appears as Hedwig"s reflection glides over Lupin"s irises.

Beautiful... Harry looks up, watches Hedwig pinwheel through the blue, past the CLOCK TOWER and EXIT FRAME. CAMERA HOLDS, the skies PALES, and SNOW begins to fall. We TILT DOWN...


To Hogwarts castle, weeks later, dusted in white.


Harry, framed in the window, stares out, looking forlorn. In REFLECTION, SNOW falls on the glass.

A ragged line of students follows McGonagall toward the bridge. Harry"s POV becomes OBJECTIVE and...


FOOTPRINTS appear in the snow, moving quickly to join the other students.



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